Sunday, December 27, 2009

"IT" girl of 2009

Sorry lady but I need to do this...

Now I won't get all mumbo jumbo like I did for the previous post but here IS the post for the "IT" girl of 2009. After long thought (3 to 4 minutes) of deep concentration I came to 2 finalists.
Emily Haines from Metric, just cuz she is to me, what all male lead singer are to girls, seeing that I've never seen them live then I can't say what I would do or how retarded I would behave at on of their shows. The second finalist and winner of 2009 is Zooey Deschanel. Zooey had a a busy 2009 and I had the easy task of enjoying it all (except her engagement to Death Cab's lead singer). Starring as Jim Carrey's love interest in Yes Man, then crushing all of our douchey guy heart and souls in 500 Days of Summer. She also had time to record a album with Folk hero M. Ward called it She&Him Volume 1, really nice album all covers and she has a lovely voice that is unique.
Alors voila, my lady of the year 2009, Zooey Deschanel!

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