Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Video of the year 2009

Now I could have gone with what would have been a easy choice and picking Beyonce's "Put a ring on it" but there isn't a person on this earth who hasn't seen it. I'm sure when the UN drops food supplies into 3 world countries, they all include TV's with that video playing on it, so I wasn't going to waste this space with a video that you've already seen and are probably really annoyed with.

I'll actually try to educate and entertain. You see, back in the 80's and 90's music video was king, MTV actually played music videos and so did Much Music and Musique Plus in Quebec. Then something happened... the Real World and TRL happened and it spawned a disease bigger than most diseases... reality TV and Much on Demand and it's retarded cousin "+ sur command". All of these elements killed the music video, I mean they still played some but the art and thrill was gone.... gone were the days of Spike Jonze dancing with his troup to a Fatboy Slim song, gone were the phsycotic images from Chris Cunningham and the multi-layers of almost every Michel Gondry video. the art had died. Then, in the distance (2005) YouTube was born and once again, we were given the opportunity to watch and re-watch all of our favourite music videos!!

Now with the power of video on demand back into our hands, it allowed groups like OK GO to make a good old DIY "treadmill" music video. It also allowed us to enjoy much of our idie rock bands that most channels would never play like Arcade Fire and especially Radiohead. The art of the music video was back without Spike Jonze, Chris Cunninham and Michel Gondry who had at this point moved on the feature lengths, it's now up to people like WIZ, Romain Gavras and now DIY & Brillantine who directed my 2009 video of the year for Vitalic's first track off of their 2009 album titled Flashmob.

It illustrates how Vitalic Flashmob album cover was made. This video clip is an oniric and contemplative journey of a man recreating the 19th century experience of Etienne-Jules Marey on fluid dynamics.

Smoke lines represent the notion of stability, the triangle goes for the disturbance and incidentally for the V of Vitalic. The concept of a flashmob is illustrated here as a result of an intruder perturbating a stable environment.

I didn't write them two last paragraphs... so sit back and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Totally loving this post!
    Quite interesting and entertaining indeed, keep it up :)

